Sunday, 24 February 2008

The David Hill technique

It is not original but copied from HERE. I duplicated it so that it does not get lost.

Maybe someone already posted this, but here it is, a video tutorial explaining how to achieve the Dave Hill look.
Dave Hill:

This tutorial will be available on the website for only 2 weeks, so here's a summary:
  1. High pass filter(value 2-6)
  2. Blend mode: vivid light
  3. Merge visible & duplicate layer
  4. High pass (Value 5-8)
  5. Blend mode: Color
  6. Opacity 40-60 %
  7. Merge visible & duplicate layer
  8. Surface blur (Values: 3 and 23)
  9. Layer mask - reveal local texture
  10. Merge visible & duplicate layer
  11. Unsharp mask:
  • Amount: 100
  • Radius: 40
  • Threshold: 0-2


harrywinston said...

man that does not work it makes images look muddy and skin looks dirty i follow it steps by steps and get a bad result it looks on skins unless this only works on cars and landscaping phtotograps

MacNimation said...

Check this out:

MacNimation said...

Check this out: